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Making the World Better

By Kayla Brock


    The world could be so much better than it is now, sometimes it is like we are losing each other and our planet. I could help make the world better by recycling, loving, and laughing.

    I think people should start recycling because the world can be cleaner than it already is. People in this world litter for no reason; you shouldn’t litter anywhere. For example, when I was walking to the store I saw a person just litter on the ground like is was nothing. It made me feel disgusted.

  I think you should love people in the world because if you love them there would be less war. Love can make you smile and it expresses kindness.  In fact, if people had better manners, the world would feel more kind.

   I think you should laugh because you get to live longer and it brings joy to the world. With more joy there would be fewer problems and less war. For instance, when I was sad Navaya and Cyla helped me cheer up. I didn’t end up killing anybody that day! :)

   As a result of recycling, loving, and laughing I will help the world a better place. We need it more now than ever when the planet is dying and people are suffering.





Navy Seals by David Jones

I believe that being a Navy Seal is more dangerous than being a Secret Services agent or S.W.A.T team member. The reasons I feel this way are that you can die from training, it is a hard job, and you have to be very secret.

            Navy Seals can go underwater and die. They can stay underwater and get sick. Then, what if the water gets too cold? You could get hurt, really bad, and that makes it dangerous.

            The training is hard. If you do it they are going to put you with the Navy. If you fail they just send you home. For some people the training is hard because they are doing some crazy stuff. You only get one chance to do it right.

            Lastly, you have to be very secret. You have to be secret because you may telllsomeone something that they shouldn't know. For instance, the Osama Bin Laden mission could not be successful if they could not keep the secret.

            In conclusion, I feel the Navy Seals are more dangerous than other jobs that are similar, some people can die but you have to do very hard training, and perform top secret missions. On top of all this you have to be a certain age, you have to be really strong and you need to have experience. Only the smartest are Navy Seals.

                                     BETTER WORLD BY JUSTIN BRANCH


               There are many things that the world could improve on, nobody seems to really care about the planet or each other. Fortunately, there are several ways I can make the world a better place. These include recycling,stop killing,and enjoying your community.                                                                                                                                                   I believe people should start recycling in bins or bags.I also think there should be a few more programs meant to recycle.With more programs,recycling can be easier for people because if they have an old can or something like that, they just go to a program and recycle it.Fundraisers also could be held for recycling in different parts of the world.                       Murders, kidnapping, and random acts of crime need to stop happening in the Richmond area.Good people don’t deserve to die in cold blood. Many people think it’s alright to kill people that insulted them in the past. Police brutality needs to stop because too many blacks and whites are being killed in these actions. Shootings,stabbings,and robberies don’t need to happen in any part of the world.                                                                                        People should enjoy the community they have now in life. Some others don’t have anyone to help them off the streets. A good community should have people respecting each other for who they are and have few zero crime records. There should be good communities everywhere. All communities should be crime free to represent the good world that we live in.                                                                      

             In conclusion,these three ways are overall problems that can be solved in the world.People should make more of an effort stopping each of these problems.                                                                                                                                                                                           

What I’m Grateful For by Kanye Cooper


I`m grateful for my mom; I’m super thankful for my mom because she loves me and I love her. I am appreciative for her being herself, I love her cooking, and she is always there for me.


My mom is unique. She has pride and dignity. My mom has a great sense of humor and a nice smile. She has a style all her own when it comes to fashion. I really like it.


I`m thankful for my mom because of her cooking. Her pancakes are from scratch. Her mac & cheese is sooo good, she uses a lot of different cheeses and honey, and her chicken is soooo good--it`s great.


In addition, I`m thankful for my mom for being there for me. She helps me when I’m down. When I’m sad she gives me ice cream.  She takes good care of me. She makes sure I’m not in danger, and she loves me for me.


For all these reasons I am grateful for my mom. I am thankful my mom for being my mom, for her cooking, and being there for me.



A Better Place

By: McArthur Jefferies


What can make the world a better place? I really don’t know but I have three solutions that could help. Using less paper, driving less, and conserving water are three ways to help save the planet.


Using less paper is what we need to do so we don’t use so much of our trees because we need to breath oxygen so we can live a long life. By cutting down trees we are destroying part of a forest and habitats for animals.


Driving less could lead to less accidents on the streets and less drinking and driving. It’s not very safe to drink and drive because innocent people could get hurt or killed.


Conserving water is what we need to save even though it comes from the ocean and lakes. Leaving the water running in the sink is just wasting water. If you're going to use water, use it properly and the right way.


These examples could help the world be a better place. But I know there are more reason that you could think of so make some great reasons.


Lunch with Van Gogh by Ian Smith 


If I could have lunch with any artist?

Hmm... I don’t know of any good artists, I’d much rather do a horror story.  However, if I had to, Vincent van Gogh would be cool, I guess but there isn’t much to write about, just lunch.

I’d just be eating a turkey sandwich while he went on about art or something and it would be really awkward, because I wouldn’t say much to him and he is Dutch and I wouldn’t understand him too well.

  I’d start off by introducing myself as Ian Smith and I’d sit down. Then we would start talking about stuff, I’d ask him about why in the heck he cut off his ear. When someone would come up to take our orders and I would order a turkey sandwich, he would get _____ _____, I put that down because I wouldn’t pay enough attention to even know what he got.

  Next, we would wait and wait for our food as I stared out the window because I’d rather be in a horror story realm of awesomeness, than eating lunch with a crazy man. Next the food would get there and we would eat, I’d take one bite of my turkey sandwich as Vincent van Gogh painted a portrait of his food. I would really be questioning my life at this point, and it would hit me… how did this man come back from the grave just to eat lunch with a 13 year old.

  Ultimately I’d get fed up of how flipping weird he was and walk out, then I’d go home to play Witcher III: Wild Hunt.

     (I really didn’t like this -Author)                THE END


                   A Better World                                        

by Chris Hopkins


Some ways I could make the world better would be stopping 9/11 and ISIS. Things like this should always be stopped once and for all. If I could make the world better for a few of my types of people, like gamers and scientists, I would enhance technology. The last thing that would make the world better is helping our economy recycle.

Terrorism was almost fatal to our country and made it a dreadful place and a not good place to live. Some places already have been contaminated by ISIS. ISIS is a society that wants to know that they are the greatest and they have proven that by destroying cities and states. ISIS has tarnished our great countries and many others

Video games are not advertised enough because video games entertainment keeps us on edge. When we are at the screen we are thinking, that is good for the human brain and for the human, gaming helps us do just that. Using our hand-eye coordination and not looking at the controller is genius!

Our economy would be better that we reuse paper, is a good way to start because it’s already written. We can reduce car usage in the area to prevent further damage to the ozone layer.

In conclusion, all positive things are good if it is good for a good reason. Tech, nature, and cities are what we thrive in and live in. We make them, point blank our world is just simple.      


How to Make the World a Better Place Harold Nelson

        The world can be horrible sometimes. People are rude and entitled, but there are many ways I could make the world a better place. For example, I could do charity work, recycle, and help the elders.


   I think everyone should donate money to charity because some kids have nothing. If people don’t give anything the children will think nobody cares about them. If I had a billion dollars I would donate the whole thing to charity because it helps them more than it helps me.


                   I think everyone should recycle because it helps the earth in many ways. If you don’t recycle, the world would be a horrible place. I think the world would better place if people recycled. It would really make everyone feel good. We could have different bins for paper, plastic, and bottles .



Lastly, I think people should really, really help the elders. If we didn’t people be really rude. Elders can help us understand how to become more better with life. They would make the younger understand how to get a job and how to live our lives how we have to .  They would make the younger people get to live better.


Therefore, helping charity, recycling, and elders would help the world become a better place.


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